Sessions Detail
Click the presentation titles to view abstracts

Tuesday, June 12 - Day One
Session A1: Greenhouse Gases
Session Moderator: Keith Murray
A1P1 8:40 Thomas Hanisco
Airborne Remote sensing of the OH tropospheric column with an Integrated Path Differential LIDAR: Motivation and Transmitter
A1P2 9:00 Amin Nehrir
The High Altitude Lidar Observatory (HALO): A multi-function lidar and technology testbed for airborne and space-based measurements of water vapor and methane 
A1P3 9:20 Haris Riris
Measuring Methane from space and airborne platforms
A1P4 9:40 Mark Stephen
Fiber-based, Trace-gas, Laser Transmitter Technology Development for Space
A1P5 10:00 Upendra Singh
Ground and airborne testing of an advanced 2-micron triple-pulse IPDA for atmospheric carbon dioxide and water vapor active optical remote sensing
A1P6 10:20 Xiaoli Sun
Advanced Infrared Detector Development for Space lidar applications
Session B1: Enabling Distributing Missions and Constellation
Session Moderator: Michael Little
B1P1 9:00 Graeme Smith
Progress in the Development of the Simulation Toolset for Adaptive Remote Sensing (STARS)
B1P2 9:20 Matthew French
Heterogeneous On-board Processing for Distributed Measurement and Multi-Satellite Missions
B1P3 9:40 Daniel Selva
TAT-C ML: Machine Learning for Enhanced Trade-space Analysis of Constellations
Session A2: Aerosols, Ozone, and Trace Gases
Session Moderator: Eastwood Im
A2P1 10:40 Matthew DeLand
Status of the Multi-Angle Stratospheric Aerosol Radiometer (MASTAR) Instrument
A2P2 11:00 Nathaniel Livesey
Update on the Stratospheric Water Inventory: Tomography of Convective Hydration (SWITCH) project
A2P3 11:20 Charles Hill
The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) IV Pathfinder
A2P4 11:40 Richard Bevilacqua
The GLO (GFCR Limb Occultation) Sensor: A New Sensor Concept for Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) Composition and Transport Studies
A2P5 12:00 Jeffrey Beck
High Dynamic Range UV to SWIR Photon Counting  Sensor for PEM-based imaging polarimeter  
Session A3: Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation
Session Moderator: Robert Connerton
A3P1 14:40 Mauricio Sanchez-Barbetty

AirMASTR - Airborne demonstration of the Multi-Application Smallsat Tri-band Radar
A3P2 15:00 Helen Conover
Cloud Research in the VISAGE Project
A3P3 15:20 Douglas Linkhart
Small, Low-mass Radar Components for Wideband Passive Radar Reflectivity Measurements
A3P4 15:40 Angela Crews
Small Satellite Passive Microwave Radiometers: MiRaTA and MicroMAS-2A
A3P5 16:00 Jonathan Hobbs
Level 2 UQ: Enabling Simulation-Based Uncertainty Quantification for Remote Sensing Retrievals
A3P6 16:20 Steven Reising
The Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Technology Demonstration (TEMPEST-D) to Enable Temporally-Resolved Observations of Clouds and Precipitation on a Global Basis using 6U-Class Satellite Constellations
A3P7 16:40 Steven Reising
Tropospheric Water and Cloud ICE (TWICE) 6U-Class Satellite Instrument: Enabling Observations of Cloud Ice Particle Sizes as well as Temperature and Humidity Profiles in the Upper Troposphere
A3P8 17:00 Richard Roy
Boundary-Layer Humidity Sounding Using a G-Band Differential Absorption Radar
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Wednesday, June 13 - Day Two
Session A4: Atmospheric Winds and Ocean Surface
Session Moderator: Keith Murray
A4P1 8:00 Alexander Wineteer
Estimating Ocean Vector Winds and Currents with DopplerScatt
A4P2 8:20 Michael Kelly
Expected Performance of the Compact Midwave Imaging System 
A4P3 8:40 Michael Kavaya
Advancing Coherent-Detection 2-Micron Doppler Wind Lidar Technology towards Space Qualification
A4P4 9:00 Floyd Hovis
Lifetime Testing of a 355 nm, Space-Qualifiable Laser
A4P5 9:20 Thomas Huang
OceanWorks: Ocean Science Data Analytics using Apache Science Data Analytics Platform

PANEL SESSION: Emerging Technologies (10:00 - 12:00)
Panel Chairs: Michael Little and Parminder Ghuman

David Crouse,
Clarkson University

Outline of Frontiers of Metamaterials for Remote Sensing

Sreeja Nag,
NASA Ames Research Center

Autonomous Scheduling of Agile Spacecraft Constellations for Rapid Response Imaging

Jonathan Klamkin,
UC Santa Barbara

Photonic Integrated Circuits for Free Space Communications and Sensing
Victor Pankratius,

Machine Learning and Impacts for Earth Science

Adrian Tang,
Jet Propulsion Lab

CMOS Systems-on-Chip for NASA Millimeter-Wave & THz Space Instruments
Session A5: Radiance Intercalibration
Session Moderator: Amber Emory
A5P1 13:30 Constantine Lukashin
ARCSTONE: Calibration of Lunar Spectral Reflectance from Space
A5P2 13:50 James McDuffie
ReFRACtor: Reusable Framework for Retrieval of Atmospheric Composition
A5P3 14:10 Kevin Turpie
The Airborne Lunar Spectral Irradiance (air-LUSI) Mission
A5P4 14:30 William Swartz
RAVAN: Technology Demonstration and Applicability to Earth Radiation Budget Measurements
Session A6: Snow Depth and Snow Water Equivalent
Session Moderator: Robert Smith
A6P1 15:20 Roger De Roo
Measurement Concept Demonstration: Wideband Autocorrelation Radiometry for Deterministic Passive Microwave Measurement of Lake Ice and Snow Depth
A6P2 15:40 Charlie Zender
The JAWS Workflow to harmonize polar Automatic Weather Station data
A6P3 16:00 Chris Ball
The CubeSat Radiometer Radio Frequency Interference Technology (CubeRRT) Validation Mission: Instrument Pre-Launch Testing and Project Status
A6P4 16:20 Joel Johnson
The Ultra-Wideband Software-Defined Microwave Radiometer For Ice Sheet Subsurface Temperature Sensing: Results from 2017 Campaigns
A6P5 16:40 Bart Forman
Global Snow from Space: Development of a Satellite-based, Terrestrial Snow Mission Planning Tool
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Thursday, June 14 - Day Three
Session A7: Sustainable Land Imaging
Session Moderator: Sachidananda Babu
A7P1 8:00 S. J. Ben Yoo
Multi-Spectral, Low-Mass, High-Resolution Integrated Photonic Land Imaging Technology
A7P2 8:20 Paula Wamsley
Progress on a New Architecture for SLI
A7P3 8:40 Philip Ely
Multiband Uncooled Radiometer Instrument (MURI)
A7P4 9:00 Stephanie Sandor-Leahy
Progress on the NGAS Photonic Spectrometer for SLI-T
A7P5 9:20 Thomas Kampe
The Compact Hyperspectral Prism Spectrometer for Sustainable Land Imaging: Continuing the Landsat data record and enabling new discoveries
Session A8: Soil Moisture, Mass Change, and Surface Deformation
Session Moderator: Eastwood Im
A8P1 10:00 Stephen Lowe
A GNSS-Reflectometry Instrument for Wetland Extent and Dynamics
A8P2 10:20 Branko Kosovic
Estimations of fuel moisture content for improved wildland fire spread prediction
A8P3 10:40 Chris Ruf
Next Generation GNSS Bistatic Radar Receiver
A8P4 11:00 Ruzbeh Akbar
Autonomous Moisture Continuum Sensing Network: Intelligent and Energy Efficient in situ Wireless Sensor Networks
A8P5 11:20 Lauren Wye
SRI CubeSat Imaging Radar for Earth Science (SRI-CIRES): Flight Demonstrations 
A8P6 11:40 Johnathan York
Combined observations of GNSS and astronomical sources: Can you see both world's through a single lens?
Session A9: Surface Topography, Geology, Biology and Vegetation
Session Moderator: Robert Connerton
A9P1 13:20 Philip Townsend
Spectral data discovery, access and analysis through EcoSIS toolkits
A9P2 13:40 Victor Pankratius
Machine Learning for Error Characterization and Correction in InSAR Satellite Data
A9P3 14:00 James Clark
Combining NEON and remotely sensed habitats to forecast climate impacts on community dynamics
A9P4 14:20 Tomasz Tkaczyk
Tunable Light-guide Image Processing Snapshot Spectrometer (TuLIPSS) for Earth Observations
A9P5 14:40 Anne Wilson
Hyperspectral Image Analysis in the Cloud via a Functional Data Model
A9P6 15:00 Jeremy Malczyk
Scaling biodiversity data processing and analysis workflows with Apache Beam
A9P7 15:20 Pantazis Mouroulis
SWIS CubeSat configuration progress
A9P8 15:40 Christopher Neigh
Enhanced Very-High Resolution (EVHR) Products for NASA’s Earth Science Investigators
A9P9 16:00 Ved Chirayath
NeMO-Net & Fluid Lensing – The Neural Multi-Modal Observation & Training Network for Global Coral Reef Assessment using Fluid Lensing Augmentation of NASA EOS Data
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