Sustainable Land Imaging Technology

Building the Future of Landsat

The Sustainable Land Imaging – Technology program supports innovative technology development for new Landsat-like instruments, sensors, components and measurement concepts.

Since 1972, the Landsat series of satellites, jointly run by NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey, has provided the longest continuous record of Earth’s land areas from space. Landsat data provides consistent and reliable multispectral measurements of land and coastal regions for scientific research, policy and commercial uses.

Innovations for the future

To assure Landsat-like measurements in future decades, NASA initiated the Sustainable Land Imaging – Technology Program. The program has roots in a 2013 report from the National Research Council – Landsat and Beyond: Sustaining and Enhancing the Nation’s Land Imaging Programthat detailed a number of recommendations for sustainable land imaging.

The solicitation seeks proposals in two categories:

  • Advanced Technology Demonstrations (ATD): These projects provide improved and innovative instrument concepts for potential infusion into the architecture and design of Landsat-10.
  • Technology Investments (TI): These projects develop and mature component or breadboard-level technologies that have long-term potentials to significantly improve future land imaging instruments.


SLI-T uses the NASA Research Announcement as its investment vehicle. Links to the full solicitations and awards are listed below.

SLI-T Solicitations

SolicitationLink To SolicitationLink To Award
SLI-T ROSES 2022Solicitation Withdrawn-
SLI-T ROSES 2019Solicitation (link)Awarded Projects
SLI-T ROSES 2015Solicitation (link)Awarded Projects