Welcome This website archives the full proceedings from the conference, including abstracts, papers, and presentations as well as an author / co-author index. Visit the SESSIONS and AUTHOR INDEX pages to access these documents. ESTF2010 also featured plenary talks by Michael Freilich, Director of the NASA Earth Science Division, and Robert Braun, NASA’s Chief Technologist. ESTF2010 will also include a town hall on "Future Directions for NASA Earth Science Technology" led by George Komar, Associate Director of the Earth Science Technology Office. Select the links below to download these presentations:
The total registration for ESTF2010 was well over 200 and included a cross-section of representation from various NASA centers, industry, academia, and Federal laboratories. Additional information about ESTF2010 and other activities of the NASA Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) may be found on the ESTO website: http://esto.nasa.gov