The eighth annual NASA Earth Science Technology Conference (ESTC2008) was held June 24-26. 2008, at the University of Maryland University College and showcased a wide array of technology research and development related to NASA's Earth science endeavors.
The ESTC2008 agenda integrated nearly 60 technical papers in two parallel tracks of sessions. Luncheon talks were given by: George Komar, Associate Director for Technology within the NASA Earth Science Division, and Dr. Wayne E. Esaias, a biological oceanographer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
Attendees and presenters represented a cross-section of NASA centers, industry, academia, and other Federal laboratories.
This website archives the full proceedings from the conference, including abstracts, papers, and presentations as well as an author / co-author index. Additional information about ESTC2008 and other activities of the NASA Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) may be found on the ESTO website: https://esto.nasa.gov
Glenn Prescott, Conference Chairman
Steve Smith, Conference Organizer