Title: Open Climate Workbench to support efficient and innovative analysis of NASA's high-resolution observations and modeling datasets
Presenting Author: Huikyo Lee 
Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Co-Author(s): Valerio Pascucci, Manish Parashar, Philip Davis, Alexander Goodman, and Colin Raymond

The Open Climate Workbench (OCW) project has made significant strides in infrastructural development, technological innovation, and impactful scientific research, particularly in advancing big and distributed data management in climate science. Addressing the critical question of the added value of high-resolution climate simulations and observations for understanding extreme weather and elevation-dependent climate risks, OCW fills a crucial gap in the field. OCW focuses on analyzing and evaluating high-resolution simulations, tackling challenges such as data volume, format heterogeneity, and resolution disparities. Technological advancements in OCW, including DataSpaces and the OpenViSUS framework, optimize workflows and compress massive datasets efficiently. DataSpaces enables processing across federated data sources and supports subscription-based access, while OpenViSUS facilitates streaming access to high-resolution imagery and seamless loading of compressed data. These innovations significantly impact data storage, visualization, and large-scale analysis, promoting fast and low-cost workflows. OCW's development of a topological data analysis (TDA) toolkit for studying air quality impacts due to wildfires represents a significant advancement, allowing systematic evaluation of multi-resolution data without re-gridding biases. This approach broadens the application of topological methods in Earth sciences, showcasing the added value of high-resolution datasets. In summary, as an Analytic Collaborative Framework, OCW enables multi-resolution data access and in-network analysis, reducing resource requirements and ensuring cost-efficiency. This framework facilitates the assessment of high spatial resolutions' value using analytics tools, marking OCW's unique contribution to the field.