Title: Update on the advanced technology land imaging spectroradiometer prototype (ATLIS-P)
Presenting Author: Jeffery J. Puschell
Organization: Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems
Co-Author(s): John B. Schlaerth

The Advanced Technology Land Imaging Spectroradiometer (ATLIS) is a small (0.04 m3), multispectral pushbroom imager to provide visible through shortwave (VSWIR) calibrated imagery for the Sustainable Land Imaging-Technology (SLI-T) reference mission architecture (RMA). ATLIS is designed to provide imaging spectroradiometry that meets SLI-T RMA key parameters with an instrument that is much smaller and much less massive than previous land imaging systems. This paper provides an update on a NASA ESTO funded project to design, build and test a prototype ATLIS called ATLIS-P that will establish whether this compact, low mass design approach with wide field of view, free form reflective telescope and large format, small detector digital FPA meets SLI-T RMA VSWIR requirements.