Title: Onboard Radar Processing Development for Rapid Response Applications
Author: Yunling Lou
Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Co-Authors: Steve Chien, Duane Clark, Josh Doubleday, Charles C. Wang
We are developing onboard processor (OBP) technology to streamline data acquisition on-demand and explore the potential of the L-band SAR instrument onboard the DESDynI mission for rapid response applications. The technology will enable the observation and use of surface change data over rapidly evolving natural hazards, both as an aid to scientific understanding and to provide timely data to agencies responsible for the management and mitigation of natural disasters. We are adapting complex science algorithms for surface water extent to detect flooding, vegetation classification to assess storm or fire damage to forests, and snow and ice classification to assist in transportation/shipping forecasts, and repeat-pass change detection to detect disturbances. We are near completion of the development of a custom FPGA board to meet the specific memory and processing needs of L-band SAR processor algorithms and high speed interfaces to reformat and route raw radar data to/from the FPGA processor board. We are also developing a high fidelity Matlab model of the SAR processor that is modularized and parameterized for ease to prototype various SAR processor algorithms targeted for the FPGA.
In this paper, we will present results from phase 2 of the 3-year task, which include metrics on the fidelity of the science data products, specifics of the high fidelity Matlab model of the SAR processor, and plans for phase 3 of the task.