of the 2005 Earth-Sun System Technology Conference
NASA's Earth-Sun System Technology Office (ESTO) held its fifth annual technology conference June 28th-30th, at the University of Maryland Inn and Conference Center in College Park. This year’s conference – named the NASA Earth-Sun System Technology Conference, or ESTC2005 – reflected a broad range of technologies and disciplines within the Earth and sun science areas.
The ESTC2005 agenda included 59 technical papers presented in two parallel tracks: Information Technologies and Observation Technologies. Dr. Mary Cleave, Director of NASA Earth-Sun System Division, gave the plenary address. Luncheon speakers included Dr. Tamas Gombosi, Department Chair and Professor at the University of Michigan, and Dr. Carlos Bedrossian, Medical Director of Biomedical Communications, Inc. The conference also featured a town-hall style meeting on the evening of June 28th led by Dr. Jack Kaye, Director of the Research and Analysis Program within the NASA Earth-Sun System Division.
To view the complete agenda, see the Schedule page. Abstracts, papers, and presentations are available as PDFs and may be viewed by Session or by Author.
George Komar, ESTO Program Manager
Glenn Prescott, Conference Chairman
Steve Smith, Conference Organizer